Author: Tasmiha Tabassum Sadia
DOI Link: https://www.doi.doi/10.56888/BIISSj2021v42n1a4
In the world of connectivity and media centrism, the significance of social media can hardly be put into words. Though the use of internet and media has opened up a vast range of opportunities, it has played a decisive role to add a different dimension in the current wave of radicalization. The ongoing acts of terrorism in Bangladesh as well as all over the world draw our attention to this insufficiently addressed issue. Internet has significantly increased terrorists’ reach, and person to person contact is no more necessary to indoctrinate people. Mainstream terrorist organizations in Bangladesh are increasing their expertise in the cyberspace to serve their agenda of disseminating their ideologies and radicalize people using propaganda and different narratives. Hence, there is a dire need for identifying the roles played by internet, particularly social media in radicalization process, so that a substantial framework to deal with the phenomenon can be set up. This paper tries to investigate the role of social media, e.g., Facebook, Messenger and YouTube, etc., in dragging the youth into the path of violent extremism in the context of Bangladesh. Furthermore, it focuses on providing a set of mechanisms to combat this ongoing wave of online radicalization.