The Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) is an autonomous statutory institution established by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in the year 1978. This is a premier think tank organisation of Bangladesh under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The motto of this institute is “Empower thought, drive change”.

The main responsibilities of this institute are to undertake study, research and dissemination of knowledge on different national and international issues related to traditional and non-traditional security, international relations, peace and conflict, economics, development and strategic aspects among others.

The institute provides necessary assistance as per the demand of the Government in formulation of projects and policies, and their implementations. To fulfil its objective of knowledge generation, the institute carries out exchange of information, opinions and materials with other institutions and scholars of the country and abroad. The institute also acts as an archive for the study and research on different national and international affairs.

The institute is guided by a Board of Governors headed by the Chairman of the institute. The board also includes representatives of different government ministries, armed forces, academics and professionals. The Director General, the Chief Executive of the institute, is also the Member-Secretary of the board. Research activities of this institute are carried out by a team of full-time researchers with varied social sciences background. The works of BIISS are shared with a larger audience in the form of books, papers, journals, seminars, roundtable discussions and reports. BIISS also remains active in Track 1.5 and Track 2 diplomacy platforms at both regional and global levels.

Chairman, BIISS
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